Tuesday 14 March 2017

Is your contact centre ready for destruction?

Mr. Sidney Yuen – Ex Chairman of Asia Pacific Contact Centre Association Leaders (APCCAL) and an expert in the field of contact centre industry. He has a singular focus to help organizations transform

Being in the contact centre industry for over a decade, I have witnessed several changes in technologies, demographic shift, and corporate crisis. Yet our contact centre’s processes remain pretty much the same, and C- level executives have left us alone, simply because the contact centres make little impact on corporate strategies, partly due to the fault of the contact centre managers’ incompetence in executing changes and managing processes.  A contact center exists to cut waste, delight customers and generate revenue. Managing these processes with measurable results will be the key to the success of any organization.
My conversations with CEOs have convinced me that most of them don’t really care about their contact centres as they see their centre as merely managing tasks and not processes. All these can be something in the past, given that the corporates are going through transformation enabled by a new business model and digital strategy.
Strategy, process, structure
Everything starts with a clear strategy and articulation from the top. A well-articulated strategy spells out how we achieve our vision and, it gives clarity on who we serve, how we serve and what type of resources required.  We then change our processes enabled by digital means. One insurance company integrates its front and back ends by automating their claim process. They drastically reduced manual tasks through automation and machine learning. They promote self-service via portal/mobile application. These actions result in fraud ratio reduction and timeliness and accuracy of claims. They also turned its contact centre as a revenue generator by re-training their contact centre professionals. 
New Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), New behaviors
We all remember the traditional KPIs of a typical contact centre. Most of them were set by technology vendors. Thus, most of them are operational in nature and after all these years, most of them are so outdated that by deploying them, it would not just be a waste of time and effort, but also i detrimental to growth. Only a handful of the best practice contact centres are using new KPIs such as revenue per CCP (contact Centre Professional), NPS (Net Promotor Score), CPC (cost per call), PAI (percentage of avoidable input), Customer retention Ratio (CRR), Customer Acquisition Ration (CAR)…  All these measures will only be trackable if you have mapped out new processes. As Process maps enable you to peel away the complexity of your contact centre structure and internal politics and focus on the processes that form the heart of your business.
 What’s Next?
I believe that that Digital journey is critical to the survival of any company, big or small.  Contact Centre Heads must get themselves to become part of this effort and offer their contributions, since they can represent the voice of the customers. They have the creditability and knowledge of how their customers feel about their services/products.
In summary, below is a must do list. Once you’ve embarked on these actions, you can expect a strategically important unit and to become a key member of the senior management team.
1.    Understand your company’s digital transformation strategy, integrate some digital marketing KPIs to your centre. E.g. mobile traffic, engagement on website, Number of new leads etc.…
2.    Learn about E-Commerce, Social media, Cloud platform, Self-service model, cyber security, Artificial Intelligence, and data analytics
3.    Enhance the quality of the voice of customer through any of the above tools
4.    Revamp your Contact Centre processes with new measures that align to your digital strategy
5.    Set bold and “unreasonable” goals like 100% customer satisfaction or 100% improvement on Net Promotor Score or 100% of avoidable input
6.    Mentor and coach your team with a change of mindset and new skillset
7.    Visit other centres and learn best practices through benchmarking of other industries
It is not going to be easy, Yet, by going on this path with your digital team, it will greatly enhance your ability to deliver excellent customer experience. 


Monday 6 March 2017

Sharing of Gold Winners Recognition Tour to Indonesia

Thanks to the nomination from my company/HKT, it has been an exciting moment to me when I first realized receiving a valuable opportunity for joining the Jakarta Study Tour in December 2016. Definitely I perceive this amazing journey as a precious moment for me to enrich my exposures understanding the daily operation of the local call centers in addition to the mutual sharings among various awarded winners in the telecommunication industry throughout the journey.

According to the planned itinerary, we are pleased to have chances visiting various types of call centers including but not limited to the Inland Revenue Department, public and private banking. Based on in-depth observations, it is interesting to find out that these call centers are inclined to provide a friendly work environment to cope with employees’ needs and local custom such as establishing private rooms for praying and allowing bare-feet in the workplace. Staff are also found to be exceptionally talented and connected which can be observed from their warm and sincere greetings sweetening every visiting guest.

What impressed me most is undoubtedly the comprehensive approach towards talent acquisition adopted by the Inland Revenue Department. Polices, guidelines and standard related to recruitment, learning and development as well as quality assurance are all well developed to cope with sustainable corporate development. Some private banks like HaloBCA (Bank Central Asia) indeed fascinated me a lot because of their unlimited support leading to the all-rounded development of their employees, in which professional coaching support and the latest simulation exercise are highlighted. Through casual chit-chat with the local call center staff, we all agree that staff retention issue and motives for cross-selling are some common challenges faced by call centers across the globe.   

In essence, it has been my pleasure meeting talents and professionals in the industry locally and regionally. Not only did we share a lot of valuable insights on work, but also mutual learnings and inspirations on life goals. I would like to take this opportunity to thank HKCCA and ICCA for creating such amazing itinerary, and feel blessed for the love and care from Rayland, Andy, Muby and other participants throughout the trip. All the best everyone!

HKT Limited (Consumer Group)
Training & Development
Ginni Wu CY

Wednesday 1 March 2017

2106 HKCCA Awards Gold Winners go places tour to Indonesia

I am very pleasant that I could participate in this trip. I knew that gold winners of the competition would have the opportunity to join an exchange trip to Jakarta so I set it as my goal. Finally after being sincerely assessed, I was given the gold award in outbound representative category. I represented BOCHK to join the exchange trip. This is a great achievement for me as I have learnt a lot from this tour by visiting different call centres in Indonesia and communicating with different professions in the same industry. 
Firstly, I discover that a good foundation in multimedia communication and service has been built in call centres in Indonesia. My horizon is definitely widened. Secondly, I totally feel their passion in work. They always emphasise 'Happy employee, happy customer' and this reminds me as an employer, we have to be happy to make things better.
In a conclusion, it is a very precious chance for me to join this tour. I sincerely wish that every one of us should grab these precious opportunities and strive our best to become winners in the competition. So that we can share experiences with different professions from other countries.
Bank of China (Hong Kong)
Marco Lo

Tuesday 28 February 2017







五天的交流,令我印象最深的就是Bank Central Asia 印尼中亚银行。它的企業形象我會用活力、健康、戲劇化來形容。傳承著“Everything is ok的客戶服務標準,低於3%離職率令我難以致信。不單止是客戶中心,居高不下的離職率無疑是各行業的大难题,重重復復的入離職都做成巨大的資源流失,招聘到穩定的求職者與招聘到優秀的求職者同樣重要。我實在忍不住向他們取經這是如何做到,他們卻告訴我在這裡的招聘準則是“Hired for behavior, training for skill”.

這讓我想起在進行內部參觀時,感受到這裡每一位人才由骨子裡透出來的相似度,熱情、有禮、活力;每一位雇員都會熱情地與我們打招呼並主動介紹他們負責的工作領域。他們的5P貫徹到整間公司(PartyPartyPartyParty and Party!)我相信除了管理層的理念之外,團隊間的互相影響才是十分重要。假如上司不喜歡,他還會對訪客熱情嗎?假如同事不喜歡,他還會堅持獨樹一格地打招呼嗎?真正快樂的團隊,才能做到真正的“happy customer comes from happy team”

除了見識到海外Call Center的優異之處之外,在這次旅程中,可以和一班來自不同客戶服務中心的精英聚集一齊,互相學習、互相分享大家的工作心得。這才不忘初心,與同行交流檢視自己的專業水平,重新學習。為最后我可以成為一位全面的人力資源管理者做好奠基。

Wymen Wong


四日的HKCCA Awards 2016 - Gold Winner Overseas Contact Centre Study Tour匯集了Call Centre 各範疇的精英,我們訴說着在客戶服務行業的苦與樂,亦探討着Call Centre的過去現在與未來,沿路歡聲笑語不斷,一齊開啟了這個難忘的旅程。

在本次旅程非常有幸可以參觀到印尼三大銀行、印尼稅務局和Astra國際旗下的Call Centre。每一個機構都有其獨特的管理模式和輝煌的業界成績,而令我印象最深的是無一例外的理念:Happy Customer comes from Happy Team


Pat Cheng




Helen Siu


     在2016年港寬頻住宅客戶服務團隊連續4年獲得由香港客戶中心協會頒發的Mystery Caller Assessment Award (Residential Service Hotline)--神秘客戶撥測大獎客戶服務熱線(住宅熱綫)金獎。而我亦有幸代表部門參加了為期五天的由香港客戶中心協會(HKCCA)組織安排的海外學習交流機會,而今次的交流雲集了來自各公司的客戶服務精英和金獎得主。 我非常珍惜這次的學習機會, 期望能夠通過整個行程中學習更多不同行業的客戶服務管理心得, 開拓自己的眼界。

終於期待已久的學習之旅到來了,20161212日早上6點,天還未亮,我和我們小夥伴們(來自香港寬頻不同前線部門的同事)興奮地坐上的士趕往香港機場與今次其他參觀成員匯合,歷經4小時飛機,我們一行12人到達雅加達機場。雖然天下起了毛毛雨,但一點都不影響我們的興奮心情,或者因為工作的原因, 大家都很健談,第一天我們已經相處得很開心,像老朋友一樣互相交流,互相幫助。
在交流中,我們互相討論待客心得,各自分享對於客戶服務工作的經驗以及今次獲得金獎的感言。當中我印象最心的一句話我們可以拿到獎是用個心去說話我個人非常認同,事實上客戶服務工作是有壓力的,亦是高標準的。所以我們要懂得享受壓力,保持樂觀心態,將壓力轉化為動力,將這份工作成為一份專業。而從事客戶服務工作,從一開始就要突破自己,帶上耳機時, 我們就要投自己的專業角色,運用熟練的業務知識和說話技巧,時刻用心去為客戶提供服務,像對待家人和朋友一樣關顧。客人是一定會感受到果份用心的專業。
這次的學習之旅行程很豐富, 我們分別去到印尼稅務局、印尼銀行、印尼中亞銀行、印尼曼迪利銀行和Astra World5間印尼當地客戶服務中心進行參觀和學習,而這5間客戶服務中心都曾獲得印尼客戶中心年度大獎的機構。在參觀過程中,雖然每間公司的規模和服務物件有所不同,但有一個地方是相同,就是每位員工的笑員是非常熱情和真誠的,你會在這個異國他鄉的地方感受到一種溫暖的感覺。事實上這個熱情的笑容是我們客戶服務行業所必須的、不可缺少的。他們曾講到“Happy Customer comes from happy team !” , 要提供優質的客戶服務體驗,首先要有開心的員工,開心的員工自然會懷著愉快的工作態度去服務客戶, 通過電話讓客戶感受到他們的笑容,在今次的海外學習交流中我得到一些啟發:
-        給予比接受更快樂,我們的工作是為客戶帶來快樂的,只要我們願意付出,他們是樂意給予我們認可的贊揚。
-        微笑無國界,優質的客戶服務體驗其實是可以隔空傳遞。即使大家身處不同國度。但是只要用心微笑,客戶是可以感受我們的熱情和用心服務。

-        挑戰讓生命充滿樂趣,不要安於現狀,勇於接受新的事物,每一次挑戰就是向自己和他人證明你能力的一次機會。


       Kiki Yuen